Players match with opponents and monsters by their ranking score.
Last updated
Players match with opponents and monsters by their ranking score.
Last updated
As CryptoEmpire is a PvPvE game, players only defeat the boss will not receive the best rewards. They also need to win their opponents to maximize the revenue. Coefficients for different situations show below:
Result against boss | Result against player | Revenue Coefficient | Trophy |
Lose | Lose | 0 | Lose |
Lose | Win | 0 | Stay still |
Win | Lose | 0.3 | Lose |
Win | Win | 1 | Increase |
Which is to say:
Beating the boss and winning opponent (i.e. deals a higher damage when beating the boss), grants 100% revenue.
Beating the boss but defeated by opponent, grants 30% revenue.
Failed to defeat the boss (no matter defeat opponent or not), grants 0% revenue.
Each battle lasts for 5 rounds. The gaming process shows below:
If A killed the Boss in 5 rounds and B didn't→A wins→A gets 100% reward
-If B also killed the Boss in 5 rounds but has a lower damage→B gets 30% reward
-If B did not kill the Boss in 5 rounds→B gets 0% reward
If both A and B failed to kill the Boss in 5 rounds→A and B get 0% reward